Download Moffatt Bible Version

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AV Authorized or King James Version (1611) ARV American Revised Version (1901) RSV Revised Standard Version (1946, 1952) AT American Translation (1927) Moffatt New Translation by James Moffatt (1922-26) OT Old Testament NT New Testament Heb Consonantal Hebrew Text of the OT MT Massoretic Text of the OT (i.e., the Consonantal Hebrew. Download the King James Version, a completely new and original translation of the Bible! Read the most popular Version of the Bible, translated in modern English. The King James Version (KJV) was created by a group of scholars translating the Bible from the original texts in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The project was formally started in a meeting.

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Download Moffatt Bible Version
CEV, the James Moffatt Translation, The Open Bible (NLT), TEV (very occasionally). Verse order is changed with the intention of providing an easier to View PDF
A New Translation of the Bible, Containing Old and New Testaments. Moffat Bible. New York: Harper & Brother, 1935. Translated by James Moffatt. The Bible, An American . View PDF
Living Bible; MESSAGE – The Message ; MOFF – The James Moffatt Translation; NEB – The New English Bible; NIV – New International Version; ... View PDF
Mof - A New Translation of the Bible (James Moffatt) NAB -The New American Bible NEB -The New English Bible PBV -The Psalms in the Book of Common Prayer of the Anglican View PDF
... James Moffatt, English a. A New Translation of the Bible (1928) b. Modern Idiom, Priciple of Equivalent Effect 2. Smith-Goodspeed Bible (1923-1927): Edgar J ... View PDF
tions marked (Moffatt) are taken from The Bible: James Moffatt Translation by James A. R. Moffatt. Copyright © 1954 by James A. R. Moffatt. View PDF
Moffatt New Translation by James Moffatt (1922-26) OT Old Testament NT New Testament Heb Consonantal Hebrew Text of the OT MT Massoretic Text of the OT (i.e., the ... View PDF
MOFF – The James Moffatt Translation; NEB – The New English Bible; NI – New International; NL – New Living; View PDF
A New Translation (1913, 1926) by James Moffatt, and The New Testament: An American Translation (1923) by Edgar J. Goodspeed. All of these sought to translate the View PDF
The Holy Bible: A New Translation –The work of James Moffatt, this Bible was published in 1913. Moffatt endeavored to present the Bible in effective, ... View PDF
i. The. MOFFATT NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARY. Based on T. he New Translation by the. REV. PROFESSOR JAMES MOFFATT, D.D. (O. XON) and under his Editorship. THE GENERAL ... View PDF
are taken from The Bible: James Moffatt Translation by James A. R. Moffatt. ... on Psalm 16:5 in the Moffatt translation as my favorite verse for this View PDF
MOF A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffatt MT Masoretic Hebrew Text NAB New American Bible Text NASB New American Standard Bible NEB New English Bible View PDF
... or perhaps call Him “Eternal,” as does James Moffatt in his translation. Yet, the Name Yahweh is the only Name Yahweh Himself has given us by which He ... View PDF
1926 The Holy Bible: A New Translation (NT); James Moffatt. 1926 Concordant Version (NT); A.E. Knoch. 1926 The Western New Testament; E.E. Cunningtan. View PDF
Though the King James version is an excellent translation, ... Even James Moffatt and Edgar J. Goodspeed, whose liberal propensities are well-known, ... View PDF
Translation by James A. R. Moffatt. Copyright © 1954 by James A. R. Moffatt. Harper Collins Inc. and Hodder and Stoughton Ltd. Scripture quotations marked ... View PDF
Her translation is important in the history of the English Bible because it shows the consequences of a ... The secretary to the committee was James Moffatt, ... View PDF
Moffatt—The Bible: James Moffatt Translationby James A. R. Moffatt. Copyright © 1922, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1935 by Harper Collins San Francisco. View PDF
CEV, the James Moffatt Translation, The Open Bible (NLT), TEV (very occasionally). Verse order is changed with the intention of providing an easier to View PDF
MOFFATT ―The New Testament: A New Translation, James Moffatt RSV―Revised Standard Version NAB―New American Bible RV―Revised Version View PDF
MOF A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffatt MT Masoretic Hebrew Text ... Peter, James, and the letters of I and 2 John emphasize the ongoing responsibilities of View PDF
MOF A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffatt MT Masoretic Hebrew Text NAB New American Bible Text NASB New American Standard Bible NEB New English Bible View PDF
Mof — The New Testament: A New Translation (James Moffatt) Mon — The Centenary Translation: The New Testament in Modern English (Helen Barrett Montgomery) View PDF
MOF A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffatt MT Masoretic Hebrew Text NAB New American Bible Text NASB New American Standard Bible NEB New English Bible View PDF
faith-only advocate jump for joy), he quotes the modernist James Moffatt’s translation: “For with the heart man believes and is justified, ... View PDF
Bible texts credited to Moffatt are from: The Bible: A New Translation, by James Moffatt. Copyright by James Moffatt 1954. Used by permission of Harper & View PDF
In the introduction to the Moffatt Translation (pp.20-21), James Moffatt makes it clear that ... We find in the preface to the Goodspeed translation: ... View PDF
MOF A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffatt MT Masoretic Hebrew Text NAB New American Bible Text NASB New American Standard Bible NEB New English Bible View PDF
the NT translation. • Occasionally, Moffatt took liberties with the text, ... King James Version, Modern Language Bible, Living Bible, Revised Standard Version. View PDF
Bible texts credited to Moffatt are from: The Bible: A New Translation,by James Moffatt. Copyright by James Moffatt 1954. Used by permission of Harper & R View PDF
Mof –A New Translation of the Bible (James Moffatt) NAB –The New American Bible NASB –The New American Standard Bible NCV –New Century Version View PDF
Bible [James Moffatt] MR The Modern Reader’s Bible Moulton [Richard G ... “Look!” is used in the New World Translation where the King James Version has View PDF
The most enduring and popular translation has been the King James Version (KJV), made in 1611. It ... individual, such as the Moffatt translation by James Moffatt View PDF
conservative translation, such as the American Standard Version of 1901 ... he cites James Moffatt who says, “Once the translator of the New Testament is freed View PDF
It was the supreme translation that was received by most English speaking people. 4. ... c. Nine member NT committee included Edgar Goodspeed and James Moffatt d. View PDF
Translation. by James Moffatt. Copyright 1922, 1935, 1950, by Harper & Brothers. Used by permission. Copyright, 1952, by the Review and Herald Publishing Association View PDF
King James Version Translation Errors by Richard Nickels, ... Moffatt correctly adds it, while the RSV puts it in a footnote: fiAnd another took a spear and View PDF
James Moffatt, The General Epistles [MNTC; ... the translation “temptation” in the KJV is unfortunate and ambiguous in terms of what James is actually ... View PDF
The Bible: A New Translation (MOFFATT). Copyright 1922, 1924, 1925, ... James Smart, The Strange Silence of the Bible in the Church(Philadelphia: Westminster View PDF
(Amplified Bible translation) “We are a colony of heaven on earth.” (Verse 20a, Moffatt translation) ... James Oglethorp. View PDF
MOF A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffatt MT Masoretic Hebrew Text NAB New American Bible Text NASB New American Standard Bible NEB New English Bible View PDF
Bible The James Moffatt Translation JPS (the Tanakh) KJV Keil and Delitzsch’s Translation The Message Modern King James Version The Modern Readers Bible The New ... View PDF
MOFF – The James Moffatt Translation; NEB – The New English Bible; NI – New International; ... (Bible verses are listed alphabetically by Book of the Bible) View PDF
Summative Tables I have given you a lot to wade through in previous documents about translations. You ... the James Moffatt Translation, NAB, NASB (barely), View PDF
2 of 2 / Matthew 13:24–30 Here are some other translations about the first trait—those who offend. The James Moffatt translation says ... View PDF
THE SEVEN EPISTLES OF CHRIST 1947 TAYLOR G. BUNCH REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION ... “Blessed is he who reads aloud” is the James Moffatt translation. View PDF
The Lord Is Our Helper God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we ... The James Moffatt Translation) View PDF
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 'The Law of Liberty' By ... 'You shall not use the name of the Eternal, your God, profanely,' is the James Moffatt translation. View PDF
“Blessed is he who reads aloud” is the James Moffatt translation. The Author intended that His book should be read publicly to the churches to View PDF

Download Moffatt Bible Version Download

Moffatt's Bible EXPOSED!

By David J. Stewart

A NEW TRANSLATION by James Moffatt, 1922, is a corrupt version of the Bible. Moffatt calls his translation the 'Holy Bible,' but it is Satanic. As you will clearly see, Mr. Moffatt was an unbeliever who attacked the virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14), the deity of Christ (1st Timothy 3:16), and the Godhead (Colossians 2:9).

From the very beginning of Moffatt's translation, he perverts Genesis 1:1,2...

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KJ (King James) - 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void...'

M (Moffatt) - 'When God began to form the universe, the world was void and vacant...'

There's a drastic difference in meaning between these two statements. The King James Bible states that God created the universe, and then the earth (for some unknown reason) was without form and void. Isaiah 55:11 proclaims, 'So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.' God's Word never returns void, i.e., never returns without accomplishing what pleases God. Something happened between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. It is commonly believed that the fall of Lucifer had something to do with the desolation of the earth prior to mankind existence (Jeremiah 4:23-26), but this is only speculation. Howbeit, Mr. Moffatt's translation doesn't leave any room for speculation, teaching an entirely different perspective, i.e., that the universe was without form and void BEFORE God even began to create anything. As you can see, both of these translations cannot be correct.

Moffatt's Translation Attacks the Virgin Birth

Isaiah 7:14 is horribly perverted by Mr. Moffatt...

Download Moffatt Bible Version

KJ (King James) - 'Behold, a virgin shall conceive...'

M (Moffatt) - 'There is a young woman with child...'

There's a big difference between a young woman and a virgin. By changing the word 'virgin' to young woman, Mr. Moffatt has effectively denied the fundamental Biblical doctrine of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. This is evil. Also, and to no surprise, MANY modern perversions of the Bible corrupt Isaiah 7:14.

Moffatt's Translation Attacks the Deity of Jesus

Exodus 3:14 is one the most important Scriptures in the Bible, yet Mr. Moffatt horribly perverts this Scripture...

KJ (King James) - 'And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.'

Download Moffatt Bible Version 1

M (Moffatt) - 'God said to Moses, 'I-will-be-what-I-will-be: tell the Israelites that I-will-be has sent you to them.'

I-will-be? You've got to be kidding Mr. Moffatt! The doctrinal danger of what James Moffatt has done is quickly realized by reading John 8:58 from Moffatt's translation...


KJ (King James) - 'Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.'

M (Moffatt) - 'Truly, truly I tell you,' said Jesus, 'I have existed before Abraham was born.'

The 'I AM' of John 8:58 means nothing when Mr. Moffatt changes the 'I AM' in Exodus 3:14 to 'I-will-be.' In John 8:58 of the King James Bible, Jesus was claiming to be the 'I AM,' i.e., Almighty God, who spoke with Moses in Exodus 3:14. Furthermore, Mr. Moffatt perverts John 8:58 as well, by again removing the 'I AM,' and replacing it with 'I have existed.' The fact that Jesus existed prior to Abraham doesn't attest to His deity; HOWEVER, for Jesus to claim to be the 'I AM' of Exodus 3:14 certainly DOES, and is a DIRECT claim of being Almighty God. Moffatt's translation subtly corrupts the Scriptures, by using cunning reworded phrases to redefine the Bible. It is wickedness!

Of course, 1st Timothy 3:16 is woefully corrupted in the Moffatt's Translation too...

KJ (King James) - '...God was manifest in the flesh...'

M (Moffatt) - '...He who was manifest in the flesh...'

This is a common corruption of the Bible, seen in many perversions today, including the New International Version (NIV). All modern corrupt Bibles attack the deity of Jesus Christ. To no surprise, Moffatt's translation also completely removes the precious word 'begotten' from John 3:16, which turns the verse into a lie. God has many sons (1st John 3:2), but only one BEGOTTEN Son, Jesus Christ.

In Matthew 8:2 of the King James Bible we read... 'And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.' Again, as with all of the other modern Bible perversions, the word 'worshipped' is deceitfully changed to 'knelt.' You can kneel before a dignity without worshipping him, but the leper worshipped Jesus as God Almighty (Isaiah 42:8). Jesus always accepted worship from people, because he was the Godhead incarnate (John 1:1-3,14).

Moffatt's Translation Attacks the Godhead

Download Moffatt Bible Version Pdf

CEV, the James Moffatt Translation, The Open Bible (NLT), TEV (very occasionally). Verse order is changed with the intention of providing an easier to View PDF
A New Translation of the Bible, Containing Old and New Testaments. Moffat Bible. New York: Harper & Brother, 1935. Translated by James Moffatt. The Bible, An American . View PDF
Living Bible; MESSAGE – The Message ; MOFF – The James Moffatt Translation; NEB – The New English Bible; NIV – New International Version; ... View PDF
Mof - A New Translation of the Bible (James Moffatt) NAB -The New American Bible NEB -The New English Bible PBV -The Psalms in the Book of Common Prayer of the Anglican View PDF
... James Moffatt, English a. A New Translation of the Bible (1928) b. Modern Idiom, Priciple of Equivalent Effect 2. Smith-Goodspeed Bible (1923-1927): Edgar J ... View PDF
tions marked (Moffatt) are taken from The Bible: James Moffatt Translation by James A. R. Moffatt. Copyright © 1954 by James A. R. Moffatt. View PDF
Moffatt New Translation by James Moffatt (1922-26) OT Old Testament NT New Testament Heb Consonantal Hebrew Text of the OT MT Massoretic Text of the OT (i.e., the ... View PDF
MOFF – The James Moffatt Translation; NEB – The New English Bible; NI – New International; NL – New Living; View PDF
A New Translation (1913, 1926) by James Moffatt, and The New Testament: An American Translation (1923) by Edgar J. Goodspeed. All of these sought to translate the View PDF
The Holy Bible: A New Translation –The work of James Moffatt, this Bible was published in 1913. Moffatt endeavored to present the Bible in effective, ... View PDF
i. The. MOFFATT NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARY. Based on T. he New Translation by the. REV. PROFESSOR JAMES MOFFATT, D.D. (O. XON) and under his Editorship. THE GENERAL ... View PDF
are taken from The Bible: James Moffatt Translation by James A. R. Moffatt. ... on Psalm 16:5 in the Moffatt translation as my favorite verse for this View PDF
MOF A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffatt MT Masoretic Hebrew Text NAB New American Bible Text NASB New American Standard Bible NEB New English Bible View PDF
... or perhaps call Him “Eternal,” as does James Moffatt in his translation. Yet, the Name Yahweh is the only Name Yahweh Himself has given us by which He ... View PDF
1926 The Holy Bible: A New Translation (NT); James Moffatt. 1926 Concordant Version (NT); A.E. Knoch. 1926 The Western New Testament; E.E. Cunningtan. View PDF
Though the King James version is an excellent translation, ... Even James Moffatt and Edgar J. Goodspeed, whose liberal propensities are well-known, ... View PDF
Translation by James A. R. Moffatt. Copyright © 1954 by James A. R. Moffatt. Harper Collins Inc. and Hodder and Stoughton Ltd. Scripture quotations marked ... View PDF
Her translation is important in the history of the English Bible because it shows the consequences of a ... The secretary to the committee was James Moffatt, ... View PDF
Moffatt—The Bible: James Moffatt Translationby James A. R. Moffatt. Copyright © 1922, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1935 by Harper Collins San Francisco. View PDF
CEV, the James Moffatt Translation, The Open Bible (NLT), TEV (very occasionally). Verse order is changed with the intention of providing an easier to View PDF
MOFFATT ―The New Testament: A New Translation, James Moffatt RSV―Revised Standard Version NAB―New American Bible RV―Revised Version View PDF
MOF A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffatt MT Masoretic Hebrew Text ... Peter, James, and the letters of I and 2 John emphasize the ongoing responsibilities of View PDF
MOF A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffatt MT Masoretic Hebrew Text NAB New American Bible Text NASB New American Standard Bible NEB New English Bible View PDF
Mof — The New Testament: A New Translation (James Moffatt) Mon — The Centenary Translation: The New Testament in Modern English (Helen Barrett Montgomery) View PDF
MOF A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffatt MT Masoretic Hebrew Text NAB New American Bible Text NASB New American Standard Bible NEB New English Bible View PDF
faith-only advocate jump for joy), he quotes the modernist James Moffatt’s translation: “For with the heart man believes and is justified, ... View PDF
Bible texts credited to Moffatt are from: The Bible: A New Translation, by James Moffatt. Copyright by James Moffatt 1954. Used by permission of Harper & View PDF
In the introduction to the Moffatt Translation (pp.20-21), James Moffatt makes it clear that ... We find in the preface to the Goodspeed translation: ... View PDF
MOF A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffatt MT Masoretic Hebrew Text NAB New American Bible Text NASB New American Standard Bible NEB New English Bible View PDF
the NT translation. • Occasionally, Moffatt took liberties with the text, ... King James Version, Modern Language Bible, Living Bible, Revised Standard Version. View PDF
Bible texts credited to Moffatt are from: The Bible: A New Translation,by James Moffatt. Copyright by James Moffatt 1954. Used by permission of Harper & R View PDF
Mof –A New Translation of the Bible (James Moffatt) NAB –The New American Bible NASB –The New American Standard Bible NCV –New Century Version View PDF
Bible [James Moffatt] MR The Modern Reader’s Bible Moulton [Richard G ... “Look!” is used in the New World Translation where the King James Version has View PDF
The most enduring and popular translation has been the King James Version (KJV), made in 1611. It ... individual, such as the Moffatt translation by James Moffatt View PDF
conservative translation, such as the American Standard Version of 1901 ... he cites James Moffatt who says, “Once the translator of the New Testament is freed View PDF
It was the supreme translation that was received by most English speaking people. 4. ... c. Nine member NT committee included Edgar Goodspeed and James Moffatt d. View PDF
Translation. by James Moffatt. Copyright 1922, 1935, 1950, by Harper & Brothers. Used by permission. Copyright, 1952, by the Review and Herald Publishing Association View PDF
King James Version Translation Errors by Richard Nickels, ... Moffatt correctly adds it, while the RSV puts it in a footnote: fiAnd another took a spear and View PDF
James Moffatt, The General Epistles [MNTC; ... the translation “temptation” in the KJV is unfortunate and ambiguous in terms of what James is actually ... View PDF
The Bible: A New Translation (MOFFATT). Copyright 1922, 1924, 1925, ... James Smart, The Strange Silence of the Bible in the Church(Philadelphia: Westminster View PDF
(Amplified Bible translation) “We are a colony of heaven on earth.” (Verse 20a, Moffatt translation) ... James Oglethorp. View PDF
MOF A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffatt MT Masoretic Hebrew Text NAB New American Bible Text NASB New American Standard Bible NEB New English Bible View PDF
Bible The James Moffatt Translation JPS (the Tanakh) KJV Keil and Delitzsch’s Translation The Message Modern King James Version The Modern Readers Bible The New ... View PDF
MOFF – The James Moffatt Translation; NEB – The New English Bible; NI – New International; ... (Bible verses are listed alphabetically by Book of the Bible) View PDF
Summative Tables I have given you a lot to wade through in previous documents about translations. You ... the James Moffatt Translation, NAB, NASB (barely), View PDF
2 of 2 / Matthew 13:24–30 Here are some other translations about the first trait—those who offend. The James Moffatt translation says ... View PDF
THE SEVEN EPISTLES OF CHRIST 1947 TAYLOR G. BUNCH REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION ... “Blessed is he who reads aloud” is the James Moffatt translation. View PDF
The Lord Is Our Helper God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we ... The James Moffatt Translation) View PDF
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 'The Law of Liberty' By ... 'You shall not use the name of the Eternal, your God, profanely,' is the James Moffatt translation. View PDF
“Blessed is he who reads aloud” is the James Moffatt translation. The Author intended that His book should be read publicly to the churches to View PDF

Download Moffatt Bible Version Download

Moffatt's Bible EXPOSED!

By David J. Stewart

A NEW TRANSLATION by James Moffatt, 1922, is a corrupt version of the Bible. Moffatt calls his translation the 'Holy Bible,' but it is Satanic. As you will clearly see, Mr. Moffatt was an unbeliever who attacked the virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14), the deity of Christ (1st Timothy 3:16), and the Godhead (Colossians 2:9).

From the very beginning of Moffatt's translation, he perverts Genesis 1:1,2...

KJ (King James) - 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void...'

M (Moffatt) - 'When God began to form the universe, the world was void and vacant...'

There's a drastic difference in meaning between these two statements. The King James Bible states that God created the universe, and then the earth (for some unknown reason) was without form and void. Isaiah 55:11 proclaims, 'So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.' God's Word never returns void, i.e., never returns without accomplishing what pleases God. Something happened between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. It is commonly believed that the fall of Lucifer had something to do with the desolation of the earth prior to mankind existence (Jeremiah 4:23-26), but this is only speculation. Howbeit, Mr. Moffatt's translation doesn't leave any room for speculation, teaching an entirely different perspective, i.e., that the universe was without form and void BEFORE God even began to create anything. As you can see, both of these translations cannot be correct.

Moffatt's Translation Attacks the Virgin Birth

Isaiah 7:14 is horribly perverted by Mr. Moffatt...

Download Moffatt Bible Version

KJ (King James) - 'Behold, a virgin shall conceive...'

M (Moffatt) - 'There is a young woman with child...'

There's a big difference between a young woman and a virgin. By changing the word 'virgin' to young woman, Mr. Moffatt has effectively denied the fundamental Biblical doctrine of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. This is evil. Also, and to no surprise, MANY modern perversions of the Bible corrupt Isaiah 7:14.

Moffatt's Translation Attacks the Deity of Jesus

Exodus 3:14 is one the most important Scriptures in the Bible, yet Mr. Moffatt horribly perverts this Scripture...

KJ (King James) - 'And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.'

Download Moffatt Bible Version 1

M (Moffatt) - 'God said to Moses, 'I-will-be-what-I-will-be: tell the Israelites that I-will-be has sent you to them.'

I-will-be? You've got to be kidding Mr. Moffatt! The doctrinal danger of what James Moffatt has done is quickly realized by reading John 8:58 from Moffatt's translation...

KJ (King James) - 'Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.'

M (Moffatt) - 'Truly, truly I tell you,' said Jesus, 'I have existed before Abraham was born.'

The 'I AM' of John 8:58 means nothing when Mr. Moffatt changes the 'I AM' in Exodus 3:14 to 'I-will-be.' In John 8:58 of the King James Bible, Jesus was claiming to be the 'I AM,' i.e., Almighty God, who spoke with Moses in Exodus 3:14. Furthermore, Mr. Moffatt perverts John 8:58 as well, by again removing the 'I AM,' and replacing it with 'I have existed.' The fact that Jesus existed prior to Abraham doesn't attest to His deity; HOWEVER, for Jesus to claim to be the 'I AM' of Exodus 3:14 certainly DOES, and is a DIRECT claim of being Almighty God. Moffatt's translation subtly corrupts the Scriptures, by using cunning reworded phrases to redefine the Bible. It is wickedness!

Of course, 1st Timothy 3:16 is woefully corrupted in the Moffatt's Translation too...

KJ (King James) - '...God was manifest in the flesh...'

M (Moffatt) - '...He who was manifest in the flesh...'

This is a common corruption of the Bible, seen in many perversions today, including the New International Version (NIV). All modern corrupt Bibles attack the deity of Jesus Christ. To no surprise, Moffatt's translation also completely removes the precious word 'begotten' from John 3:16, which turns the verse into a lie. God has many sons (1st John 3:2), but only one BEGOTTEN Son, Jesus Christ.

In Matthew 8:2 of the King James Bible we read... 'And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.' Again, as with all of the other modern Bible perversions, the word 'worshipped' is deceitfully changed to 'knelt.' You can kneel before a dignity without worshipping him, but the leper worshipped Jesus as God Almighty (Isaiah 42:8). Jesus always accepted worship from people, because he was the Godhead incarnate (John 1:1-3,14).

Moffatt's Translation Attacks the Godhead

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As with the NIV perversion of the Bible, Moffatt's translation completely removes the word 'Godhead' from the Word of God (see Acts 17:29; Romans 1:20; and Colossians 2:9 in the King James Bible).

KJ (King James) - ' For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.'

M (Moffatt) - Completely Removed!

NOTE: Sometimes Moffatt's translation is misspelled as Moffit, Moffat or Moffitt, but it is correctly spelled, Moffatt.


Moffatt's translation of the Bible has all the exact SAME corruptions as other modern perversions--all sharing the common denominator of being rooted in the corrupted Greek of Westcott and Hort. If you look at all the corruptions in the NIV, you'll find that nearly all the same problems are found in Moffatt's translation. The Jehovah's Witness' New World Translation admittedly comes from the Greek of Westcott and Hort (two 19th century unsaved heretics). Only the King James Bible has evaded the modern Bible corrupting movement. Satan knew that in order to deceive men and turn them away from the truth, he would have to change the truth of God into a lie (Romans 1:25). Moffatt's translation is of the Devil, straight out of the pits of Hell.

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